
Saturday, January 23, 2016

New Year, New Books, Author Interviews #9

Hello Luv's! 
Welcome to the 9th interview being held this month! 
And I hope you all have enjoyed reading the interviews as much as I have enjoyed posting them! 

Today, the author who is being interviewed is the lovely, 


The author of, The Girl From Everywhere
To pre-order click, here! 

Thank you so much for letting me interview you! 
And for the readers! At the bottom there is a small giveaway, so be sure to enter!


Question 1- What is your New Years resolution? 
Heidi- In 2016, I hope I don't do anything too embarrassing. (This sounds like a weird one but as my circle of friends grown, I worry about it more.) 

Question 2- Are you working on anything new for January? 
Heidi- I'm outlining a potential new series for after my duology is over. It's still top secret but I'm having loads of fun with it. 

Question 3- What inspires you most when you write? 
Heidi- I find most of my inspiration from exploration. It could be reading a book or an article, looking at art, trying new foods, or just walking around the city, but things that are new to me always spark my creativity. 

Question 4- What was the HARDEST thing about writing your latest book? 
Heidi- Hands down it was trying to strike a balance so the twists are surprising but also not completely confusing. Time travel--and the loops and swirls of chronology--is tricky stuff!

Question 5- What's your favorite quote?
Heidi- Oh for a muse of fire that would transcend the very heaven of invention!

Question 6- Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Heidi- Hopefully still here at my desk, answering interesting interview questions and writing more books.

Question 7- Where are you from?
Heidi- A valley on the North Shore of Oahu, and a house that no longer exists. 

Question 8- If you could work with ANY author this year, who would you want it to be? 
Heidi- Oh gosh. Sir Terry but he's gone. Anne Ursu is a close second.

Question 9- What are a few books you want to read this year (2016) or What genre do you like to read most? 
(Author can choose either question--freebie)
Heidi- Ohhhh man I've already read so many great ones on out debut author ARC tours, but a couple I haven't yet read but am really excited to are WHERE FUTURES END by Parker Peevyhouse and THE SQUARE ROOT OF SUMMER by Harriet Reuter Hapgood. Bot are time bendy books, one sci-fi and the other more contemp, though my favorite genre is usually fantasy, so I'm also super psyched about THE STAR TOUCHED QUEEN and OF FIRE AND STARS. 

Question 10- What's ONE thing your really looking forward to? 
My launch party. I'm doing a co-party with my friend and fellow debut Kelly Zekas and so we get to celebrate together, which is the very best way to celebrate.


Those were some really great answers! Have fun with the launch party! 
Happy Celebrating! 

If you are looking to follow Heidi Heilig on twitter or her website, 
the links will be below 

Visit the launch post to this event, here
or Visit the Features section to find all the interviews! 


and now! The GIVEAEAY!
this is my second giveaway, first using rafflecopter
so if there are any mistakes, I am sorry! 
but I think I did a pretty good job! 
and since the giveaway isn't huge, it is INT!

Also, I wanted to have a lot more stuff to put in but since it IS my first time using rafflecopter I am just keeping is small! so the prizes are below along with the giveaway! 
The Giveaway is also, more themed to Air Awakens by Elise Kova! 
So if you are interested, I suggest picking up this series ASAP! 

Two winners!
1st winner: two Earth's End bookmarks {only one is signed}
and Air Awakens Themed earring!
2nd winner: Two Earth's End Bookmarks {neither signed}

I hope you enjoyed both the interview with Heidi Heilig AND the giveaway, 
the giveaway is running from January 23r-February 6th! 
And for being my first giveaway with rafflecopter . . . I think I did a pretty good job . . . 
I hope! 



  1. Thank you so much for this! I am currently reading Air Awakens series and really enjoying it!

    1. I LOVE THAT SERIES! Can't wait for Earth's End!
      Enjoy! <3

  2. Anonymous1/31/2016

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!!
