City Of Bones (The Mortal Instruments #1) (Spoilers beware)

I am rating City Of Bones 9.5/10. 

Summary- When fifteen-year-old Clary Fray heads out to a the Pandemonium Club in New York City, hardly expects to witness a murder- much less a murder committed by three teenagers with strange tattoos and brandishing bizarre weapons. Then the body disappears into thin air. It's hard to call the police when the murderers are invisible to everyone else . . . more.

I really enjoyed this book, it was so good! (Do not read any further if you do not want to read spoilers) 

but . . . It totally star wars'ed me. And after they figured it out, their all cool about it like "yeah, we're brother and sister. We kissed, but yeah whatever." it frustrates me, because in that situation you think it would be . . . awkward! everything is just normal for them like they new it all along! but it still is an amazing book! Cassie Clare is an amazing author and I am really excited to read whole series plus the infernal devices series. 

But all in all, this book is a great book! And I highly recommend it to everyone who has not read it. Enjoy your day, luv. 

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