
Monday, January 4, 2016

Monthly Wrap-Up (12-31-15)

wow, 2015 is gone! 

By now, you should know that below will be a list of books I bought/received! And then the books I've read, honestly I have to check goodreads because I completely forgot which books I've read 
*face palm* 

December has been such a busy month! Getting things ready for my weird event-ish thing that's going on for January! and also, Just life in general . . . and twitter distractions hehe. 

Books I purchased and/or recieved in December:

~Days of throbbing gristle by Kevin Cole 
The Author 'Kevin Cole' e-mailed me and asked me to read it. I agreed and I am currently reading it hopefully finish it soon so I can write my review! 

~Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick 
My friend read Hush, Hush and told me that I HAD TO READ IT! so I bought it at Half Price. 
I'm hoping to start it in the next couple months! 

~Mystical by Michael Weekly
I received a digital ARC of this book and enjoyed it immensely! I loved everything in this book, especially Jared. I always like the Jared's XD 

~Sea of monsters by Rick Riordan 
I have never read Percy Jackson, and everyone says how AMAZING it is, so I kind of feel like I have to read it to find out myself. Like, what if it is amazing and I'm just not reading it because I've seen the movies 1 & 2 *shame. Runs away* in my defense, I didn't read books when I saw the movies! I just watched the movies because my step-sister read the books for school and I didn't want to be left out . . . so I watched the movies. BUT HEY! I'm reading it now, so it's all good. 

~The Lightning thief by Rick Riordan 

~The Prophecy of shadows (Elementals #1 ARC) by Michelle Madowe
I got the digital ARC of this book through netgalley, and I was so excited! I am still reading this, but I should be finished in a couple days at least, it's on my phone . . . it's much much much slower to read.
but, so far, this book is really good!!!! 

~Untamed by A.G.Howard 
omg, I got it. I got my beauty! the Beautiful book of wonderful characters and my Luv's XD 
I am so excited to read this, but also terrified because then it's over and everything I've been through with the characters will be . . . gone. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH *cries* 
My Morpheus and Alyssa! *Pulls it together* 
I'm okay, I'm okay. phew, thought I was going to cry for a minute. 
Anyways, I'll be re-reading this book A LOT!

~Zodiac by Romina Russel 
This book has been on my TBR for quite some time, and my friend (Jade) bought this for me for Christmas! thank you Jade! I can't wait to read it! 
The cover is beautiful and I just have a feeling I'm going to LOVE this book! Hope to hear a lot about Capricorns! ;) 

Books I have Read in December: 

~A Court Of Thorns And Roses by Sarah J. Maas (click for review)

~Mystical by Michael Weekly (Click for review) 

~To All the boys I've loved before by Jenny Han (Click for review) 

~A Darker Shade of magic by V.E.Schwab (Review being made) 

What did you read/get for the month of December? 
Comment Below! 



  1. Great post! In December I got this cute book from Disney World. It's about Frozen! FROM HANS' POINT OF VIEW! *heart eyes* So I'm really excited to read that!

    1. That sounds really good!
      Tell me how it is!
      I love reading things from villain(y) POV's
