This is sadly the last post on THIS blog, but the same blog-name-and me are now over on Wordpress!
I'll be doing a WHY I SWITCHED post very soon, so be looking on Wordpress!
I hope you all like the change!
Bye Luvs
Monday, May 23, 2016
Friday, April 29, 2016
LL & A's monthly book tag!

Hello, Luvs
It has been busy!
I am switching my blog over to wordpress, so this post is one more thing I have to add.
I don't mind though, it isn't THAT complicated it just takes a bit to transfer :)
anyways! Welcome, and I hope you like this theme. But first, the rules, or the non-rules because there aren't any rules . . .
every month Sabrina and I have decided to come up with 10 questions. But each question will somehow relate to the theme of the tag.
We welcome everyone to join, whether you are a book blogger, or just a reader on twitter or another site.
If you do, do this tag all we ask is that you tag either of us via Sabrina's twitter
or, mine. Or even the last option which is commenting below the link to wherever you may have posted this tag <3
and now, for the THEME REVEAL!
♠ my tag ♥
1- A book with water on the cover?
A- Ugly love by Colleen Hoover (never read it but still) ;)

2- a classic novel you'd like to curl up on the couch with?
A- I am bad and haven't read many CLASSIC's but I'd go with either The Time Machine by H.G.Wells or Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Louis Carroll
3- a scary book you would read during a rain storm? \
A- I'm bad and don't read scary books often . . . no at all. I want to! but I never just found one I had to read. So, I'd just say . . . Grimm's fairy tales. Those could be scary.
4- a good book Rec for rainy days?
A- I would definitely have to say Gabriel and the Swallows by Esther Dalseno! yep. Definitely. ;)
5- two characters you'd like to spend a rainy day with?
A- Vhalla Yarl (Air Awakens by Elise Kova), Alyssa Gardner (splintered by A.G.Howard)
I think Vhalla and Alyssa would definitely get along!
6- a book that has blue on the cover?
A- Alive by Scott Sigler

7- a book that has a rainy setting at some point?
A- I know so many, but I can't remember!!!!
I think . . . Secrets in Phoenix by Gabriella Lepore?
I really think it was that one . . . am I wrong?
WAIT! or was it Blackheath?
Oh gosh. NO! It did rain in blackheath! HA!
and maybe SiP I don't fully remember it's been a bit ;)
8- a book you wouldn't mind using as an umbrella?
A- This is hard because I love all my books, so as of right now none. Well, I could say twilight. I've never read it but I read the first chapter and couldn't finish. So, until I actually read it (if I do) then I choose Twilight.
9- a character you'd like to share an umbrella with?
A- Well, all. DUH.
I actually have two. One nobody will know because it is my friends book, that I want her to GET PUBLISHED! and that is SILAS
the second one that you would know (maybe) is Teague from Unenchanted by Chanda Hahn! <3
10- a novel with a dry beginning but AMAZING ending?
A- let's see . . . The Scorch Trials. It was so slow in the beginning! but the ending was really good!
I hope you all enjoyed this, and comment your links below! I'd love to read what your answers are!!!!
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Crystal Crowned by Elise Kova Cover Reveal!
This is extremely exciting! So happy to be apart of this cover reveal! <3
And I am still on Earth's End, but that's only because I've been really busy, but after looking at this GORGEOUS cover I seriously need to continue.
And I've already been swooning since (chapter 7 in EE, if ya know what I mean *wink wink*)
But, you all came here to look at the cover, am I right? so I'm just gonna jump into the action here and show you all the gorgeous-ness of the cover . . . if you somehow missed the big banner above this ;)
Also, wonderful job to Merilliza Chan! The covers to the series is wonderful and Aldrik!
Title: Crystal Crowned
Author: Elise Kova
Series: Air Awakens (book 5)
Publishing date: July 12th, 2016
Long live Solaris.
One bloodthirsty ruler has been overthrown by another, casting the shadow of death over the Solaris Empire. Vhalla Yarl stands upon the stage of fate, prepared to do battle one final time. Fragile alliances will be tested and new bonds will be formed as the world is reshaped. She fights as the champion of peace, but when the night is darkest will she be able to pay the price of a new dawn?
Pre-order Crystal Crowned

This series is seriously one of my FAVORITE fantasy series EVER.
Goodreads Links
About the Author

Elise lives in Saint Petersburg, Florida, where she’s currently working on the next installment in her debut YA fantasy series: Air Awakens. She enjoys video games, anime, table-top role playing games, and many other forms of “geekdom.” She loves talking with fans on Twitter (@EliseKova) and Facebook.
Long Live Solaris, Luvs

Sunday, April 10, 2016
are you ready for some random talk?
If your not, I suggest you go get some popcorn or something because . . .
it sounds really good.
So now you may be asking, What is this something. And I am going to tell you.
Right now.
One person knows this something but I am telling the world so that maybe, it'll give me that feeling that I have to finish it. Or maybe I'll tell the world and then regret it twenty minutes later!
Who knows!
But, this something, the big reveal!
is that I, Alexis KaeLynn Johnson, am writing a NEW book.
This is so interesting Alexis, tell us more.
so happy your all so interested ;)
If you follow my twitter and actually read my non-sense tweets, then you MAY know that I have started writing A LOT of books in the past and never finish them because
A) I get new ideas
B) I end up hating it
C) I completely forget about it and when I go to write it again . . . I forgot where I wanted things to go.
C) I completely forget about it and when I go to write it again . . . I forgot where I wanted things to go.
Then I yell at myself for not taking notes.
But anyways I have started writing a new book, I have no title yet because I'm barely two chapters in! But I got the idea while on vacation!
(Yes Katie, it's the one I told you about on my way home *winks*)
I also, don't have much of a synopsis because . . . well, I completely destroyed my original beginning and EVERYTHING is changing. But I kind of like what I did.
But I also hate it.
What is this book about Alexis?
This book is about a girl who is troubled (I know, like a lot of other YA books) but no, this isn't an average YA book . . . I think. And I have no idea what I'll do with it afterwards, it's just for me to have. Until I decide to do something with it. If I do.
But anyways, it is Contemporary.
and is about a girl who runs away from home, and meets someone on the way (someone's I should say) and they help her. Even though she tries running away from them too.
I don't want to say a lot about it because honestly I don't know much more than that myself.
But, I am going to try to finish it in the next couple months.
I will probably never share this book with anyone, I am self-conscious and believe there is something wrong with EVERYTHING I do.
What is the Main Characters name?
finally a question I like!
Well, I normally do really weird names. Seriously, I actually named one of my characters 'fire' . . . yes. Fire.
But my Main Characters name is
Dannie short for Danielle.
I decided with Dannie because . . . I liked that it was kind of her way of rebelling against her name . . . in a way. She doesn't like anything about her mom, reason why? her mother is a drug-addict. So in the first chapter, (spoiler) Dannie runs away XD.
Then meets this guy, but he also is gone by chapter two. and at the moment that's really all I have written. I have a bit of what I want written down, and I know how I want it.
Knowing me though, by tonight all of what I planned will be different.
Really, none of this is big news. But I just wanted to put it out there that, I am writing a novel and it is going . . . good, for now.
If you have questions about it, I'd gladly answer. I am kind of on a huge hype about it but really scared to talk about it!
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Guest Post by Denise
Hi! *waves*
I'm Denise and I blog at I am Shelfless. When I was starting my blog, naming it was the hardest part for me because most of the titles I have listed down was taken or if not, it just didn't feel right. A few hours passed, I still got nothing. Then, I looked for a new angle (Thank you, Tadashi!) so I ended up staring at the plastic storage boxes containing my books and thought "I'm running out of boxes; I wish I had a shelf where I can put the books". Shelf. No shelf. Shelffff. Shelf-less? So there. Tada! I named my blog I am Shelfless.
I met Alexis during a Twitter chat which was hosted by Elise Kova. I tweeted Elise that I'd cry if I see her then, Alexis tweeted me saying that she would cry too and we'll cry together (I'M WAITING FOR THIS TO HAPPEN). Alexis is so sweet, kind and she has always been there to answer my questions about blogging and other stuff. I'm so honored to be guest posting for you. <3
I'm Denise and I blog at I am Shelfless. When I was starting my blog, naming it was the hardest part for me because most of the titles I have listed down was taken or if not, it just didn't feel right. A few hours passed, I still got nothing. Then, I looked for a new angle (Thank you, Tadashi!) so I ended up staring at the plastic storage boxes containing my books and thought "I'm running out of boxes; I wish I had a shelf where I can put the books". Shelf. No shelf. Shelffff. Shelf-less? So there. Tada! I named my blog I am Shelfless.
I met Alexis during a Twitter chat which was hosted by Elise Kova. I tweeted Elise that I'd cry if I see her then, Alexis tweeted me saying that she would cry too and we'll cry together (I'M WAITING FOR THIS TO HAPPEN). Alexis is so sweet, kind and she has always been there to answer my questions about blogging and other stuff. I'm so honored to be guest posting for you. <3
Now, I will be listing down books that served as baby steps for me towards being an avid reader I am today!
The Secret of Cacklefur Castle by Geronimo Stilton
I read a Geronimo Stilton book from the school library when I was a little kid and I liked it -- the illustrations and the tiny little details that design the words in the book! My favorite was any Geronimo Stilton book as long as Creepella von Cacklefur was there. I have this odd fascination with Creepella that just won't go away.
It also became my dream as a kid to buy the complete collection of Geronimo Stilton's books, but there are soooo many books and I think they are still publishing new adventures of Geronimo Stilton. The Secrets of Cacklefur Castle is the only Geronimo Stilton book I owned.
The Host by Stephenie Meyer
My sister lend me her copy of The Host by Stephenie Meyer and it took me 3 years to read the book. I am NOT joking. After my Geronimo Stilton era, my world became more on teddy bears and other cute stuff. No books. None. Nada.
One day I decided to pick this book up and read. I finished this book within a day and I loved it so much it hurt and what was shocking was I didn't do anything else, but read. I mean, no chores? That was really really shocking. It turns out that my mom saw me reading and thought that she won't disturb me so that after I read it, perhaps I would be more inclined towards books for a change. Look where I am now? Today, she lectures me for placing my books everywhere, that I keep on buying books and keep on talking about books, etc. haha!
The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series by Michael Scott
After The Host, I have been reading a lot. The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel was my first series and one of the firsts books that I have owned. Scathach and Aoife were my favorite characters! I had no words for Scathach on The Death of Joan of Arc. She was THE badass character to Celaena Sardothien today. Confession: My mother wouldn't let me buy all the books in this series. She said I can only buy one. I was so sad, but guess who bought the five books (since Enchantress wasn't released yet that time) for me? My older brother. Who knew my puppy eyes and sad looks would work? Even I didn't know it would work.
That's all! Thank you for reading and thank YOU again, Alexis, for having me here! <3
I hope you guys would come and visit me at I am Shelfless. I'm looking forward to chatting with you!
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Guest Post by Sabrina
Thank you Sabrina for doing a guest post here on my
I hope you enjoy this everyone!
Now, introducing, Sabrina from OMG
Books and More Books!
Hey guys! I am guest posting for Alexis today.
My name is Sabrina (Sab) and I want to be 3 things in life;
programmer, blogger, and writer. So far I'm getting my degree in Computer
Science, programmer done. Second I have this blog, blogger done. My final
accomplishment that I have yet to complete is writer, writer not done. It's a
tug of war to write but it's a slow process that I'm enjoying.
Some other interesting things about is that I love reading
while listening to music. I just feel the story a lot more when I listen to
music. When I listen to a particular album it will remind me of a book. For
example, I was reading the Splintered Series while listening to Blurry Face by
Twenty One Pilots in March and surprisingly I found some similarities in themes
between the two.
Now I will talk about my favorite series (the important
part) and hopefully persuade you guys to check out these series.
1) Vampire Academy Series by Richelle Mead

Rose Hathaway is a kickass heroine that we all need to
admire. Dimitri Belkov is soooo swoon worthy. The story and morals of this
series is wicked. The character and plotting development from Vaampire Academy
through Last Sacrifice is freaking astonishing. Each character grows and learns
from mistakes and are human. I say that they are human because they understand
their mistakes, Rose definitely does. This series is absolutely a wild ride.
This will be the first series I plan to reread.
2) Under the Never Sky Series by Veronica Rossi

This series is the definition of star crossed lovers. Aria
and Perry came from two completely different worlds. Aria is cast out of her
world and must fight for her survival in the unpredictable world that Perry
calls home. She goes from a frail girl to a warrior queen. This whole series is
about struggle and survival, not much about romance but the romance is
important. It also has one of the most satisfying endings that I constantly
wonder what Aria and Perry would be doing now.
3) Splintered Series by AG Howard

I love anything Alice and Wonderland related. The Splintered
Series is my favorite Wonderland retelling ever. There are so many Wonderland
elements that are true to the Splintered Series and this still makes me so
happy. This is the only series that has made me honestly cry just even thinking
about that ending. When I first read that ending I cried for sooo long. But if
you want a beautiful and elegant retelling of Wonderland, this is your series.
I must mention that Morpheus is a wonderful aspect of this novel. ;)
4) Blood of Eden Series by Julie Kagawa

This book really made me think. It made me think what it
means to be human, what it means to be alive. I really loved how
the writing was dangerous in the since that there was non stop action. It's a
thrill ride from the beginning to the end. Allie's journey from human to
vampire was eye opening. She is a warrior with a sword who will defend
everything she believes in. Also the cliff hangers will leave you questioning
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